Located at 7501 W. Washington Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89128. |
Today we are spotlighting a Kmart in fabulous Las Vegas! It opened on
May 7, 2000 and is 101,107 square feet.This store has a unique building
style which is more than likely used to blend in with the other Las
Vegas architecture. It is not located in a shopping center but in a
building by itself. It is located in a busy and dense area with a Lowe's
across the street (see picture below.) This Kmart is brightly lit, well
maintained, and fairly modern by Kmart's standards. Unfortunately like
most Kmart's, the store was pretty dead in the middle of the day with
hardly any customers inside shopping.
Located in a busy area of Las Vegas. |
This Kmart has been updated with the newest red sign package and the
current Kmart logo on the outside of the store. This store has 10 belt
driven registers and no wall going into the indoor portion of the garden
center. Because of those things it is possible that this store could
have been a potential store within a store Super Kmart conversion. Some
features of this store include a former Penske Auto Center that is now
run by a local automotive shop called AA Auto Care Center. It has a
former Olan Mills portrait studio at the front of the store along with a
slot machine gambling area next to it. There's used to be a K Cafe at
the front of the store. This store features a large Garden Center area
but strangely the Garden Center entrance doors were chained shut and the
doors to the outdoor garden shop area were chained shut too. The
electronics department no longer has a counter area and instead has
large appliances in it's place.
Former K Cafe area. |
Mattresses added more recently to this store. |
Layaway in the back left corner of the store. |
Former electronics counter makes way for large appliances. |
Old circular electronics sign is the only old school sign left in the store. |
Open inside garden shop layout. |
Entrance doors to the outside garden area chained shut. |
Garden center entrance doors chained shut. |
Former Olan Mills on the right, Slot machine gambling area on the left. |
Modern jewelry counter. |
This store still has 10 registers! |
Belt driven registers. |
Customer service desk. |
These entrance doors were chained shut. |
Former Penske Auto Center is now a local run auto center. |
you have it, hope you enjoyed touring this Las Vegas Kmart store!
Questions, comments, anything more to add about this store please
comment below.
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